Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Has it been three months

We have been busy, not much in the way of wheeling lately. Have done some work on the frog, put the hard top on, got the stereo installed drove it back to Newark. I need to throw an alternator in it this weekend but other than that its been all quiet on the Wheeling front. The house is set for Mr. Winter. Its been cold, but not much rain, what I call snuggle weather. The boys and Wife are excited for Chritmas, the house decorated and all.

It was really cool two weeks ago we saw a bob cat near the house. He was walking accross the road and stopped to look back at us. Really cool. Now that its getting colder the preditor animals will start to come out and search for a tasty morsal of food. Should start to see more aggressive critters.

I will post some picts of the frog by the end of the week.