Monday, May 02, 2005

My Boy has a social life

Wow what a weekend, my boy has a social life that kept us busy this weekend. We went to Bonfante Gardens this weekend and it was great. He had a blast on the little cars drove all over the place as I screamed watch out for the tree or what ever he was aiming at. Paul II was laughing and laughing. This was one of those times it reminds you how great it is to be a parent. The main part of the going to any park is to see the world through a Childs eyes. Pauls eyes are so full of life that is was wonderful to watch him enjoy these things and live life through him.

On Sunday Paul II had a birthday party for one of the kids in his class. The kids seemed to be nice well mannered and they had fun. I am hopeful that Paul will have good friends and grow up in a positive environment; I just hope that my wants and needs don’t get in his way.

My highlight of the weekend came twice I think each of these will be equaled in my memory, first was the excitement in Paul’s eyes when he was driving and laughing at my funny comments. That was on of those father son-bonding moments. The second was this morning when he was sitting in the chair watching TV with his stuffed critters. He bent over and kissed his baby (a stuffed elephant) on the head and said I love you baby, and hugged it. This warmed my heart, a three year old with a kind heat and loving soul. Yes that is my boy!!!!!!

What a weekend, I did miss the mountains, and I missed the forest, today I feel the unsteadiness of not getting a chance to go play, but my boy has a social life and it is great to see him grow so the tradeoff is well worth the restlessness I feel.

I will post some pictures this week as soon as I download them.
